Sunday, June 13, 2004

We survived

Chris and Melissa came over last night to visit, and we ate dinner and played Monopoly. I hope they had a good time, because Tammy and I had a GREAT time. We ate first, then Chris and I were going to upgrade the TiVo, so Tammy and Melissa left to go to shopping at the mall. We opened up the TiVo, and found out we needed a bracket, so we couldn't do anything. So we just talked for a while and looked at some of my old photos.

Once Tammy and Melissa got back, we watched part of Chris and Melissa's Disney Cruise video. We enjoyed watching it, because it reminded us of our trip, and we got to see all the fun they had. One REALLY cool thing is that when they boarded the ship, Melissa told the cast member their name was the "Welch family from Orlando" so that's what they announced on the Magic, and Chris caught it on video. How great is that???

Then we pulled out the Disney Theme Park Monopoly. That was fun even though I got my ass whooped. And I mean whooped quickly and decisively. Oh well.

We were invited over to their house for the 4th of July and I know we're going to have a great time over there. We sure enjoyed having them over, and hope to do it again soon.


tdoe said...

Did Glenn really loose a game and admitted to it?????? Holy moly!!! That's unbelievable!! But it sounds like everyone had a great time, and that's all that matters!! By the way, your luck has not changed since your game last night...check out our Yahoo fantasy NASCAR game. I have come to the realization that whomever I pick, they screw up. So, at least I have realized that, so I can make adjustments accordingly. ;)Talk to you later. Love, T

11:22 PM  
Digichrome said...

I know I'm late in commenting here but I wanted to say that we're not real thrilled that you see it as "surviving" our visit. Its not like we trashed the place (much)! Can't wait for the Monopoly rematch!

3:58 PM  

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