Saturday, July 17, 2004


I just finished reading "Building a Company: Roy O. Disney and the Creation of an Entertainment Empire." Great book. If you're a Disney fan, you probably know the story of
Walt--but Roy's story is just as important. He dedicated his life to making Walt's dreams come true. I have a new found respect for him after reading this book.

Speaking of books, Chris has lent me a science fiction novel to read: "Snow Crash".  I'm looking forward to start reading it, but it's going to be different for me. The last few books I've read have been non-fiction. I've recently read "The Second Coming of Steve Jobs," "Walt Disney: an American Original," "D-Day," and "Leadership" by Giuliani. I'm sure I'll adjust quickly and enjoy it. I love reading, but it gets harder and harder to find time to read, and I'm not the quickest reader in the world either. So I hope Chris doesn't need the book back anytime in the near future :-)


Digichrome said...

Considering I haven't cracked that book open since '93 I don't think I'll be needing it back any time soon. Hope you enjoy it.

8:50 AM  
Digichrome said...

Considering I haven't cracked that book open since '93 I don't think I'll be needing it back any time soon. Hope you enjoy it.

8:50 AM  
Keith said...

I don't think I've read Snow Crash since about '93 either :)
But it is one of my favorites.
It can be a little slow to start - yet of all Stephenson's books, it has the fastest beginning. Most of his others take a long time to get interesting.
I really find his future views very well invisioned.

11:10 AM  

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